Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Divorce and Separation

I can think of many of my friends who's parents have divorced, and many of them have even remarried.  In today's society there more and more divorce's happening.  62% actually.  62% of children who don't live with their biological parent's which means that 38% of children grow up with their biological parent's.  Parenting is a task that is a large load to take on, and it is even harder when you take on step-children.  It is however, not impossible to have a family come together to learn and grow together.  

In the videos that I had to watch this week, they dealt with techniques on how to properly discipline children.  I think that with proper discipline, that the parenting process will be easier especially when step family is involved.  As parent's we first need to recognize our children's needs.  There are four that I will mention, which are: 

1- Power
2- Protection
3- Challenge
4- Belonging/Contact

Once we recognize the need, then the discipline will follow suit.  Our disciplining techniques always need to relate to the thing that needs to be learned.  For example, if a child or teenager isn't on time for curfew, charging them every minute they are late, won't help them change their ways.  A better strategy to use would be to decrease curfew, or having a plan of contact when they are out.  

Elder Dallin H. Oaks an apostle of the Church of Latter-Day Saints gave a talk titled, "Parenting Leadership in the Home." http://www.lds.org/ensign/1985/06/parental-leadership-in-the-family?lang=eng  In it he talks about not becoming discouraged in times of trial.  He also describes how the husband and wife should lead the home in equality.  Both parents need to have an active say in what their children do, the discipline that is enforced, and the decisions that the family makes. When the husband and wife are equal, they are more able to work together to raise a family strong in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The videos also explained that parent's need to allow the natural consequences that teens make to act as discipline as much as possible, except when its:
1-Too Dangerous
2-Too Far in the Future
3-Others are primarily affected

An example of this could be a child wearing something that you disagree with due to whatever reason, however, because of some criticism from friends, they decide that is was indeed a bad idea.  Going and bringing them new clothes will only let them realize that you will always get them out of trouble.  If you let them live with the consequence of their choices, then the less likely they will do it again.

I am grateful that I have the knowledge of eternal families, and that even though divorce may be rampant in today society, families can still be together in happiness.  I found this video about parenting that I will let you watch.  As you watch focus on the spirit that it brings.  
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cxHd773Ya0 "Parenting Touching the Hearts of our Youth"

I know that I will one day live eternally with my family, and that everyone through the right steps can achieve the same.

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