Saturday, May 4, 2013

Pop that Lation

This week in class we talked about many different epistemology's.  You're like whoa, next page...but let me explain that epistemology is just a huge word that means "how we come about truth." Not too bad yeah?

Whenever we come about truth we usually use one or more of the following:
1- Empiricism or Experience
2- Rationalism
3- Scientific Method
4- Authority/Parents/Grandparents/Etc.
5- Revelation.

When you are faced with a conflict, or need guidance in a certain area of your life, which one do you go to first?  Well everyone will end up doing things in different orders, and that is perfectly ok.  The one thing that I love about life is that sometimes their are multiple right answers!

The one question that came up in a video we watched this week has been at the forefront of my mind.  And I am curious to know what each of you think about it.  So we have all heard about overpopulation right?  Well this video was focused on depopulation.  Who would have thought that there AREN'T enough people living right now!?!

The book, The Population Bomb, convinced many that overpopulation would lead many to starvation, our resources running out, and the world being overcrowded.  However, if every family in the world was given one acre of land, guess how much space we would need?  Texas.  We would need an area the size of Texas to fit every family in the world on it.  Crazy? Look it up yourself.  My question is how do you make the choice to know how many children you will one day bear??  Will you let some resources, like The Population Bomb, influence you to have maybe one or two, or will you look at your own family and take advice from your mom...and grandmother...and sister...and friends...and neighbor...and pet hamster....and prettymuchanyonebutyourselfandspouse to make the decision?

Don't get me wrong, all those things can have some pretty awesome advice, but let's go back to the epistemology of revelation.  To me, I think that this is one of the most important ways we as individuals can gain knowledge, or an answer to a question.  Well how do you gain revelation you say?  It's super simple!  PRAY.  It is mentioned many times in the scriptures to, "multiply and replenish the earth."  If you may be unsure about this commandment, then study it out, ponder about it, and pray to Heavenly Father if this is true.

The next step would be as eternal companions to ask yourself and Heavenly Father how many children you can nourish, and when those times are ideal to have them.  We may be given many, or we may be given a few...who really knows besides Heavenly Father!

Now I am not saying everyone go out and have 10 kids right now...I'm just saying save it for when you are married.  ;)   You don't need to be rich. Just a lot of faith, and love that you are willing to share with a perfect child of God.  And when the time comes that you are all reunited in the Celestial Kingdom, oh what a  grand time that will be!  I would just like to end and say that families are eternal, and can be together forever.  One day, when the light seems to shine a little brighter and all understanding will be given to us, is when we can say, thank you for my trials, my blessings, but most importantly; my family.  

Families can be together forever.  

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