Thursday, June 27, 2013

Body Language

Communication in family can be stressful, especially when you don't have confidence in your communication skills.  The comforting thing to know, is that you don't have to be a professional to communicate effectively with your spouse or family.  If you truly care about the person you are communicating with, and show this with respect and kind words and love, then communication will be clear and easier. 

When we communicate we speak with words, but that is not the only thing that we communicate through.  Our body language and tone are also part of this process.  Our non-verbal language is actually what accounts for most of how we communicate with one another. 
  • Words account for 14%.
  • Tone accounts for 35%
  • Non-Verbal language accounts for 51%
Now that we know this, how can we better communicate in a family?  Not being a great communicator myself, I find that I feel insecure about the advice that I give others, and wonder if what I am saying makes sense.  I now know that even though my words may get blundered to pieces, I still have the opportunity to show my love and concern to the person that I am talking to.  I can do this through my body language, and the tone that I use. 

Another thing that stuck out to me was the different types of listening skills.  I hate to admit that I sometimes fall under the "fake" listeners.  This is where I will agree with you, and will nod my head, and act like I am listening, when really I am not that interested in the topic being talked about.  I know that this is not a good strategy to have, especially when the person talking thinks that what they talk about is important. 

Good listening skills include just listening to what the other person is saying.  Ask questions to clarify what the person is saying, but other than that, just listening intently without thinking of all the other things that need to get done.  Focus on what the person is talking about, but most importantly care about them.  I think that Heavenly Father was very wise when he said to, "Love thy neighbor as thyself." 


  1. Hello Sophia!
    I think that communication is just so interesting, especially within families I like that you noted that if you communicate with love and respect that the message will be received differently. Someone told me that in marriage when your spouse might offend you to realize that they love you and that they would never intend to hurt you! And listening skills are so important, its interesting that people rarely want advice they really just want someone to talk to and to be understood and validated! What strategies do you think help you become a better listener?

    Maddison Dillon

  2. Hey Maddison!

    I think something that would help me to listen better would simply be to just focus on what that person is saying. I always have a million things going on in my head at once, that I don't feel like I can just focus on the person talking rather than my worldly things.

    I also think of not thinking of what I will say before the person has an opportunity to finish what they are saying. Instead, I just need to listen intently, focus on their words for clarification, and don't worry about the advice that I will give at the end.
