Friday, June 14, 2013

Proverbs 23:7

"For as [a man] thinketh in his heart, so is he..." Proverbs 23: 7

Well this past week we covered a rather interesting topic of intimacy in marriage.  I would like to start out by a description of how Heavenly Father needs to be the center of every marriage.  Picture a triangle.  On the bottom angle we will label "husband," and the other bottom corner, "wife."  The top of the triangle will simply be labeled, "God."  Notice that as a triangle goes up, the sides also come closer together until we reach the top.  Well, marriage is the same.  When you put God at the top of your and your husband/wife's life, then the closer you will become to him and also your spouse.  

I mention this not because you need God to be happy in marriage, but I do believe that if you put him first then everything else will have more meaning, and I know that "ultimate" happiness will come from it.  Coming from a Latter-Day Saint point of view, it also can be a preventable source from the fiery darts of Satan.  In the words of  Elder Neil A. Maxwell (1979) he pointed out that,“The seventh commandment is one of the least heeded but most needed laws of God.”

Well what is the seventh commandment you ask? "Thou shalt not commit adultery." (Exodus 20:14) 

When we were talking about this, my teacher mentioned that one of the most important parts of our body is the mind.  The mind is a powerful thing that leads us to action.  When we don't have control over it, then we are putting our body in control of our spirit.  We talked about having the utmost respect toward a spouse in mind and being physically respectful as well.  

When we get married we commit ourselves to that one person, not our friends, not our family, but committed to building a life together.  More often times than not, boundaries need to be placed, and limits set forth to have a well balanced marriage.  Everyone is different, and so these limits and boundaries range exceedingly.  When we don't place our minds on the things of the spirit, or have clear boundaries with those of the opposite sex, then conflict may occur. 

"It is important to point out that it does not take two people for infidelity to occur. Many times affairs are committed within the mind or heart of a married individual with no other participating party."

·         "When we let our thoughts unfaithfully imagine what life would be like with another person, infidelity has been committed. More and more this type of infidelity is being committed online through e-mails, chat rooms, or social networking sites." (Gardner)

      Infidelity, cheating, adultery, fornication, etc. are unfortunately a problem in the society we live in.  So how do we keep ourselves "unspotted from the world?"  Being overly faithful, committed, and loving toward your spouse and your spouse only will help the relationship feel strong and solid.  Following the limits you set in your individual marriages and relationships help as well.  The most important thing to remember is to have not only your heart, but your mind set on Christ.  Our mind is a tool that Satan can use to degrade ourselves, and others.  
      Don't just read your scriptures, ponder and feast upon them.  Pray as a couple every night, and ask for Heavenly Father to lead and guide you in your marriage.  He will help you.  

      Written for married and prospective couples.  :)

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