Friday, June 7, 2013

Leaps of Faith in Marriage

This week in class we focused on the amazing ordinance of marriage.  I know that being sealed to the one person you love is one of the most important things we can do in this life, and I am glad that I had the opportunity to learn more about the "early marital adjustments" that we went over this week.  Being married means that it takes a considerable amount of accommodation going from solo living to coupled living.  It surprised me from stories shared in class about the different lifestyle choices that come up when you are married like what to eat, sleeping habits, budgeting, your social connections changing, accommodating schedules, physical intimacy, distribution of responsibilities, etc. 

Moving into marriage, and living a brand new lifestyle I can imagine could give a person mixed emotions pretty quickly.  The one thing that came to my mind was the temple.  How comforting is it, that we are able to spend not only "til death do you part" with someone, but "for time and all eternity."  This week's class only made me grateful that I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and the emphasis it places on eternal families.   

As I think about my future marriage, I can think of the leaps of faith that it will take to marry someone in the temple.  Being from a family who are converts, or non-members, (all of which are inactive) breaks my heart that they won't be able to participate in this ordinance with me.  Keeping covenants are all part of being worthy to go into the temple, so no one who hasn't kept or accepted those covenants can witness the ordinances done inside the temple.  Although it will be a hard experience not having any of my family there with me, I know that it is more important to do what's right and marry in the temple because those blessings last a lifetime.  I love my family, but most importantly I love God. 

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